It's  a story about a girl


Born on July 9,1980 in Salinas, California to Williams and Sandra Arias ,Jodi has a very beautiful childhood and life  with one elder half-sister,plus one younger sister and two younger brothers till he meet Travis
Alexander,her future boyfriend.Till now life seems to be perfect for Jodi an aspiring photographer at that time but fate has other plans for her..........

Jodi with Travis Alexander

Dropped out of high school,Jodi met Travis Alexander in September 2006 at a PPL conference in Las Vegas,NevadaTravis,a 29-year old legal insurance salesman by profession at that time,this meeting marks the beginning of a healthy relationship. After this they began dating each other formally in February 2007 due to which she moved to Mesa, Arizona to live closer to Travis...After this about one and half year they dated intermittently by taking turns travelling between their Arizona and California homes and maintaining their long distance relationship... Everything seems perfect till this for Jodi until Travis was found dead in his house on June 9,2008 by his friends who went to meet him ?

He sustained 27 to 29 stab wounds,a slit throat and a gunshot wound in the head .After this his friends call 911 and the investigation begins. His friends were interrogated and a possible clue for a suspect that they get was 'Jodi Arias'.The friends revealed that Travis regularly talks about how Jodi  stalks him,but now also police marks her a suspect and didn't take actions against her ,they waited for the forensic reports. When forensic reports come they mark that the cause of his death was a bullet fired from a .25-Caliber Automatic Colt Pistol and also found a digital camera which shows Arias and Alexander some sexual poses and then the police started searching for arias call records and found that arias tried to call several times Travis before June 4 and coincidentally from post- mortem reports police come to know that Travis was murdered on June 4 .This points make police eligible to take action against Jodi..

On July 9,2008 she was arrested and later extradited back to Arizona on September 5.During investigation police find one more clue that link Arias to murder was that her grandparents had filed a complaint on May 28,about the stolen gun from their house and that's the same gun with which Jodi shot Travis...This evidence fully involved and confirmed that Jodi was behind Travis murder but she maintained her innocence


during interrogation and till 2010 by telling this was a burglary case and some intruders had murder him...But in 2010 by finding no other option she finally admitted her crime of murdering Travis but in a new angle by saying in self defence...But further more investigation suggest that Jodi was too possessive of Travis and could not see Travis with another lady but Travis didn't like her to that extent and was trying to maintain a distance from her as he had found a new girlfriend whom he intends to marry soon..This does not go well with Jodi and she plans to murder him and teach him a lesson..

After this a battle of court hearing was held for a long time in which she wants death sentence first and then changed her mind to life sentence with parole .But though she is lucky to escape death  but not that much lucky to escape life sentence...

But in this world there is a idiom'If u intend to play the game then u have to pay the price'

She murders him and now she is paying price for what she did by serving her life behind bars till her death at Perryville Prison for Woman. Once a time she was an aspiring photographer and now she is just a number living in 86 square foot cell working in prison library. Now she is 40 years of age and nearly in prison from the last 12 years....


From this story I want to make all the people who are reading this to realise that in this story not one life was wasted... Actually it has roughly wasted 2 lives and many more lives who are linked to them . One has gone and cannot come back and the other one even she is alive and wants to come back she is not allowed to do that and all the happiness of her life was taken from her from the day when she entered prison and began living as "THE LIVING DEAD GIRL : Jodi Arias"

Jodi Sentencing Video:

As of 2020,Jodi spent 5 years in perryville prison and 7 years in Estrella jail. Out of this 5 years, she spent 1 year in solitary due to her security risks and in 2016 she was shifted to general population and now she is a having a cellmate with whom she shares her cell. Previously she was doing toilet cleaning work but now she is allocated a library job in prison and her life is as simple as for a normal prisoner.She has to go through all ups and downs of prison through her entire life... She has tried to appeal for a new trial in 2019 but her appeal denied and the court upheld her murder conviction....


                          Before prison

                             Arrest Time

                     First Court Appearance

                     First Prison Interview

                          During hearing


                                In 2018




Click here for comments
15 July 2020 at 12:07 ×

I spent time in there with her and she is a very nice girl, but she should never be let out. She took a good man's life and ruined his family's life forever. That was a very stupid, brutal, and selfish act!

15 July 2020 at 13:04 ×

in Perryville or in estrella

12 September 2021 at 00:49 ×

I can't figure out if she's hotter as a blonde or as a brunette. I like her either way. Check out the image of her in court. She's wearing bangs and hand cuffs. So hot!
