KILLING OF INNOCENCE - The Darlie Routier Story

Woman constitue less than 3% of the total people awaiting execution on Texas and Darlie Routier is one among the six woman currently on death row in Texas....

She has everything in her life which a woman wants like three beautiful kids and a loving husband . But how she ended up there on death row ? 
For this let's have a close look at her life through this blog........


Darlie Routier was born on January 4,1970 to Larry Peck (father) and Darlie Kee (mother) . She also has a younger sister named Danelle Fugate . When darlie was a teenager,she relocated to Lubbock with her mother and step father. There her mother found work at a local restaurant "Western Sizzlin Restaurant" where Davin,her future husband worked as a cook . He was 17 at that time and Darlie was 15 . Finally they got married in August 1988 . After this the couple purchased a house in Rowlett, an affluent suburb of Dallas,Texas.

                     Darlie with her husband 
                            and two sons
Within one year of marriage their first child ,Davon Rush Routier was born i.e. on June 14,1989 . Their second child, Damon Christian was born on October 18,1995 and their third child was born on June 6,1996 .

Till this life seems to be perfect for Darlie but fate has another plans for her which makes her path to prison......


On June 6 , 1996 at 2:31 a.m.  Darlie makes an emergency calls to dispatchers at Rowlett stating that an intruder had broken into her house , stabbing her two children and attacking her . Police arrived within 3 minutes of the 911 call . They discovered a window screen in the garage had been cut, which indicate a possible entrance for the intruder. At the time of this incident, her husband Darin was sleeping  with their younger 7-month old son ,Drake upwards and thus both escaped from physical harm .

Darlie had told police that she has fallen asleep in the couch with her two sons watching television . When she wake up she found a man standing at the foot of the couch and then she tries to catch her only to find out that she and her children are severly wounded . After that she call 9-1-1 .
This sounds strange for the investigators to believe . Though Darlie was also severely  injured in the process but it was hard to believe that because she and her two children were severely wounded by an armed intruder without waking her until after the attack had occurred....

Darlie also told police that intruder escaped through the garage but the investigators said that the garage contains no blood drops and further added that there were no indication of anybody running through the garage at all .  .They also found an unknown fingerprint on the glass table inside the house that did not belong to anyone in the family,which no one cared about and could prove Darlie innocence.....

Further when the forensic reports arrived it stated that her sons susatined fatal injuries whereas Darlie wounds are superficial .This thing grew suspicion towards Darlie .
The key factor which plays a major role in Darlie arrest was that eight days after the incident Routier was featured in newcasts across the country at her son's grave posthumously celebrating Devon's 7 th birthday . She was shown laughing,smiling and spraying silly strings on the graves, while singing "Happy Birthday" along with her family .This event has a devastating affect on her life by charging her with capital murder four days later . 

                    Darlie Routier arrested

On the other hand , her family members who supported Darlie till this date said
that it was just a solemn ceremony honouring the children which the newcasts failed to show.


Her murder trial begins . Prosecution  claims that Darlie murdered her for money . As both the boys carry a life insurance at that time and Darlie was suffering from financial crisis at that time.

But her defence argued that the insurance was just of $10,000 which is much lower than the expenses of their funeral . Defence 
futher added that if the murder was solely for money then wouldn't Darlie murdered her husband Darin, as he was having am $ 80,000 life insurance policy .

                       During her hearing

Defence attorney stated that there were no point to  consider Darlie as the murder of her children but the prosecutor had described her as a " pampered,materialistic woman with substantial debt, plummeting credit ratings and little money in the bank who feared that her lavish lifestyle was come to an end ". Everything points towards Darlie that she cook up a story of a intruder and kills her two children and set up a play to fool people...

Also the prosecutor claims has a larger impact on the trial.....So the jury didn't convinced with her defence and had sentenced Darlie to death via Lethal Injection on February 4 1997.....

                      Sentencing Hearing


                Darlie arrival at Mountain  
                            View Unit    

After this ,Darlie was send to Mountain View Unit where she is inacrnated till now.
She is locked alone in her cell 23 hours a day and is given only one hour out of her cell for recreation activities...She and Darin divorced officialy in 2011 but he continues to support her till now ...

            Darlie in 2019 being handcuffed 
                       after her interview

Darlie talking about her prison life in an interview -- 


Darlie filed for an habeas corpus petition but her petition was dismissed by the appeal court. In June 2008 ,Darlie received the rights to new DNA tests . On January 19,2014 both the prosecution and defence teams were permitted to perform further DNA tests on a smuggled fingerprint found in the house which I stated earlier...

Video about her latest DNA testing -

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Bryan StJogn
26 July 2020 at 04:59 ×

Well you second sentence about her was off... she had three beautiful kids "They also found an unknown fingerprint on the windowsill that did not belong to anyone in the family,which no one cared about and could prove Darlie innocence....." 85-j the print was not on the window was on the glass table inside the house "Darlie had told police that she has fallen asleep in the couch with her two sons watching television . When she wake up she found a man running" She said she saw a man STANDING at the foot of the Couch ....Please put the Facts out there and Please Remember DRAKE

26 July 2020 at 07:03 ×

updated dear u can check and thanx for ur comment...

26 July 2020 at 08:07 ×

She's never going to be released except in a body bag. No new trial either, She's guilty of the murders despite the documentaries....she's guilty as charged.

31 July 2020 at 10:10 ×

Boy do they need to get their facts straight.

13 August 2020 at 10:08 ×

Sorry but the video at the grave did not play a key part in her conviction. That is often parroted. But the forensic evidence which is very solid is what convicted her.

8 November 2020 at 02:46 ×

She's guilty. No doubt at all. Learn the facts of the case and you will see the truth:

12 September 2021 at 00:37 ×

Guilty or not - she is going to look cute all strapped down.
