HUSBAND KILLER - Wendi Andriano

INMATE NUMBER  #191593                             

WENDI ELIZABETH ANDRIANO is one among the three woman  currently on death row in Arizona. She was convicted of the 2000 murder of her terminally ill husband, Joe. 


Let's take a look at her life........


Born on August 6, 1970 , Wendi had a troubled childhood as her father sexually abused her  ,which she claimed . While Wendi was good in studies ,she and her family apparently travelled with a ministery and her upbringing was strict . 


                        Wendi with her husband ,Joe

In January 1994, she married Joseph Andriano (Joe) . Not long into the marriage, Joe fell ill.He faced a lot of difficulty getting diagonsed with terminal adenoid cystic carcinoma . No matter how many holistic therapies,joe endured ,nothing worked . And finally in 2000 he resorted to chemotherapy. By that time, Wendi had given birth to two children and was working as an apartment manager, but she was unhappy with the ongoing trajectories of her life and so she began having affairs.

During this time ,Wendi and Joe seeks help from a friend to pose as Joe during a pre-screening appointment so that they could secure life insurance.Although no insurance was ever purchased then.....


On the morning of October 8,2000 Wendi used a bar stool to beat her 33 year old husband Joe. After that she used a 13-inch knife to stab him in the neck in their apartment in  Aheatukee, Arizona . Later,through post -mortem reports it was found that Wendi had hit him atleast 23 times as well as it also indicates traces of Sodium Azide in his body, which is often used a pesticide and can cause heart and brain damage.....

Approximately one hour before the murder, Wendi had called 911 .When the paramedics arrived ,she told them to go away and that Joe had a di-not-resuscitate order and his last wish was to die. After this they left.

But after 1 hour later,Wendi called 911 again and told them what she has done but claimed that it was self-defense . Further she claimed that her husband was physically and psychologically abusive towards her . But due to chemotherapy which has made Joe weak,it was hard for investigators to believe that Wendi killed Joe in the midst of domestic abuse..

Ultimately ,Wendi was arrested and charged with murder of her husband, Joe.


Four years after Joe's murder on August 23,2004 Wendi trial began . Even though with no prior criminal record ,she was facing the death penalty for her crime.

The prosecution team consisting of Juan Martinez ,well known for his role in Jodi Arias trial. Prosecutors argued that Wendi's motive for murdering her husband was money. Evidence was bought against Wendi that how she tried to instate a life insurance policy on her terminally ill husband . In addition , prosecutors alleged that she was benefitted by a potentially large yield from a medical malpractice lawsuit prompted by the poisoning. Also they attempted to prove that Wendi used a pesticide named "Sodim Azide" to poison her husband so that it looks like that Joe's death was result of a heart attack....

 Wendi testified in her own defence,spending nine days giving testimony . She claimed that Joe learned that she was cheating him and becomes enraged over this matter . They struggled over a knife and then he stabbed himself and was poisoning himself to end his life.

In response to allegations that Wendi was simply defending herself ,the prosecution presented  statements from friends who claimed that they never saw signs of abuse in Wendi.

She also hoped that mitigating circumstances would help her case. She talked about the stress she experiences due to Joe's cancer , how much missionary work she did and also that how religious she was..


The jury didn't convinced with that and on November 18,2004 she was found guilty of first degree murder of her husband , Joseph Andriano . One month later i.e. on 22 December,2004 she was sentenced to death by lethal injection....


                             During her sentencing


She tried to appeal for a post conviction appeal in 2007, and another was filed in 2012 . It claimed that Juan Martinez had engaged in " prosecutional misconduct".  She also filed for a habeas corpus appeal in 2016 .If this appeal denied then Wendi will be possibly executed soon in the coming future....



 After being sentenced , Wendi was sent to Perryville Prison where she is put in solitary confinement with another death row inmate in the lumey unit. She is only allowed one hour a day out of her cell for showers , recreation,etc and that also shackled when taken out of her cell from the past 16 years.....

There's no possibility for her to leave prison alive even if her death sentence is commuted to life imprisonment....


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12 September 2021 at 00:41 ×

I love her sexy widow's peak!

Congrats bro Unknown you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...