Sarah Pender Prison Life


                     Convicted Double Murderer
                              Sarah Jo Pender

SARAH JO PENDER ,a name which may  not be popular now but back in 2008 she made headlines when she escaped from one of America's maximum security prison i.e.Rockvillle prison with the help of a male guard with whom she was having a sexual relationship...

But how this notorious killer is spending her days behind bars now 

12 years after being recaptured and 20 years after being convicted and she is now serving her 110 years in Rockville prison and she will be there till released  2054 when she will be 75 years old...

But the point of discussion is how this 41 year  fat convicted killer is spending her days in prison from last 20 years...

Even Sarah is famous outside in media for  her notoriety but inside Rockville she is treated just like a normal inmate and is just a number "953968"


Normally Sarah has to wake up at 4 in the morning as inmates in Rockville has to wake up by 4 a.m. in the morning 

As Sarah works in the library so she has to wake up by 4 otherwise if she works in the kitchen she has to wake up by 3a.m.

As Sarah is kept in a dorm with 15 other woman so it's quite conjugated to live in a dorm..

                  Dorm in which Sarah is 
                   kept and Sarah usually
                   prefers the upper bunk

 After waking up the first challenge for Sarah is to use toilet ..If she is lucky enough and get to the toilet on time then she don't have to wait as toilet is outside her dorm..

                  Toilet which Sarah has to 

                  use unwilling as there is no

                      privacy in prison

Otherwise she has to wait for her turn to come for atleast 10 minutes because there are 10 toilet for 160 woman.


                   Sarah entering chow hall
                             for breakfast

After taking her shower , Sarah is taken for her breakfast to the chowhall at 6a.m. in the morning, in group forming a line  which is in the other building.Sarah is given 15 to 30 minutes for her breakfast and then again back to her dorm in a line for inmate counting purpose...


After staying for half an hour in her dorm,Sarah is taken to the prison library as currently she is doing librarian job inside...

                   Sarah is taken for work

                    Working in library

Well Sarah was involved in many jobs inside like dog trainer,prison janitor, landscaping job, gardening,etc...


                   Sarah having her lunch

At 12 noon inmate are taken to the chow hall for their lunch from their respective work units..Sarah is taken from the library in line to the chow hall .Sarah has to sit in group of 4 to eat in the chow hall..At 12:30 p.m Sarah is again returned back to the library for further work and they work till 3 in the evening...

After that Sarah is again taken back to her cell for counting purpose

After counting if Sarah wants she can take her shower and go for recreation in the yard giving time for Sarah to be social with others..


                    Dinner time for sarah

By 5 p.m. Sarah has to again reach the chow hall for dinner and then back to her cell by 7 p.m. in the  evening their dorms are finally locked from outside...

By 8 or 9 lights are switched off and every inmate has to sleep including Sarah...

Sometimes if any correctional officers are suspicious of Sarah they can also strip search her if they want,every time she has visit she has to be strip searched...

The life inside prison is hard but Sarah has done something for which she deserves this she has taken someone brother,someone sister , someone mother and many more lives not only two..

Many people think Sarah is innocent but they don't know about her as they haven't met her...Ask from people who met her I m not telling about her lesbian prison lovers or her family members but from the inmates who know her well...

They can give true information about her she is mean, manipulative.She also has a girlfriend inside(insider source) ...

She always had used people by using her body first her bf Richard,then officer Scott and many more..She doesn't deserve freedom share this post to more and more people...

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